Offshore / Subsea
Products & ServicesMako Industries along with GlobalTech Subsea serves as a worldwide provider of products and services for the offshore oil & gas industry, specializing in deep water control systems. Together, we exemplify the customer oriented approach in our quality engineered products with competitive pricing and streamlined lead times.
We engineer and manufacture our complete line of connectors: 4, 6, 8, 12, 22, 26 Pin PBOF Cable Assemblies and Connectors along with our 16 and 29 Pin CCP MUX Connectors. All are fully compatible with the pre-existing VCC connectors.
We also offer a complete FCR Test Kit that is designed to ensure the integrity of all the FCR type connectors and to be portable for field pressure barrier testing. The pressure test kit works universally for all FCR type connectors up to 5,000 psi.
GT-29-CCP MUX Connector is an electro mechanical termination installed onto a double armored blowout preventer control cable. This cable connector plug (CCP), designed with a capacity of 25 control contacts and 4 power contacts, is fully pressure balanced to prevent any pressure differential and all conductors are independently sealed. It mates with the existing flange connector receptacle (FCR) used on the Hydril control system. It has proven to be the most reliable designed connector throughout the drilling industry since 1975 and its simplicity makes it the most reliable and easy to service. It has been successfully tested to 12,000 ft. in both dry and flooded conditions.
GT-29-CCP MUX Connector Re-termination Kit is available in the case the outer steel components of the Connector is reusable. It contains a full replacement set of all elastomer parts as well as all applicable metal components. It is fully interchangeable with the GT-29-CCP MUX Connector as well as the VCC-29-CCP MUX Connector as it field installable.

Services for Offshore Oil & Gas Industry:
- Re-terminations
- Installation
- Repairs
- Maintenance
- Design & Engineering
Our Product Line:
- 4 Pin / 4 Pin Cable Assembly
- 6 Pin / 6 Pin Cable Assembly
- 6 Pin / 6 Pin 90° Cable Assembly
- 6 Pin / 4 Pin 90° Cable Assembly
- 6 Pin / 4 Pin Receptacle Assembly
- 8 Pin FCR
- 29 Pin CCP MUX Connector
- Cable and Pressure Assembly
- Connector Electrical Test Tool Kit
- FCR Connector Test Kit
- PBOF High Pressure Seal Cap
- Torque Wrench Kit
- Y Cable Assembly